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Ontario Votes: questions for candidates

The following questions about LTC have been sent to candidates in the Champlain Region. Please feel free to use them at all-candidates meetings or if a candidate knocks on your door. There is still much work to be done in LTC.

  1. Public polling reveals that most of the public fear long-term care. What is your party’s

    plan to restore trust in the sector?

  2. Perpetual staffing shortages, now at crisis levels, are the greatest concern of family members.What is your party’s plan to attract, recruit and retain long-term care staff especially nurses and personal support workers?  Will you commit to wage parity with other health sectors?

  3. What will you do to help those homes that have not been able to achieve the mandated 4 hours of hands-on care?  Will you commit to reporting of hours of care by individual home?

  4. Long-term care experts recommend shifting from large institution-like settings to smaller home-like environments that support person-centred care models.  Will you support small home construction or conversion of existing homes to create smaller units that support person-centred care. How will you hold the Government responsible for implementing the recommendations of the Ontario’s LTC Covid-19 Commission Report released on April 30, 2021 and the two 2020 staffing studies

  5. Will you commit to favouring non-profit LTC homes over for-profit-homes when awarding or renewing licenses and construction funding. Non-profit homes have a demonstrated history of better care and health outcomes for residents.

  6. Many advocates support the adoption of National Standards for LTC. Will you support the adoption of enforceable National Standards to promote person-centred care in exchange for additional federal funding for LTC?  (I think this should be the last question).


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